Saturday, October 22, 2016

Day 19 - Downunder 2016 - Sat - 10/15/16 - At Sea to Mystery Island

Once again we had a sea day. We spent much of the morning walking the deck and watching the flying fish. It's worth noting the that the flying fish in the area seem to be larger and they were flying much further. At times they seemed to fly out of sight.

Our first lecture was by Sandra Millikin on the Architecture of the Prison Colonies. It was followed by a what to see in Sydney by Kelly, our Destination Specialist. Unfortunately our ship is docking in White Bay which is a long ways from Circular Quay (pronounced Key) which is the normal cruise terminal and where much of the tourist action is found. Then Tom presented a history of New Caledonia.

Dinner was another Gala night and we had a lively discussion at our table in the stern of the Rotterdam dining room. Tom from Ottawa was a motorcyclist and we enjoyed lots of motorcycle conversation. The entertainment this night was an impressionist and comedian, Jeff Burghart, who we have seen previously on another cruise. We ended our day watching a Tom Cruise movie, Cast Away, which was filmed in Fiji and wax about a fellow who survived an airplane crash and was marooned on a desert island.

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