Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Day 10 - Downunder 2016 - Wed - 10/05/16 - At sea to Samoa 1

We're now back to sea days which will take us to Samoa where we'll do more snorkeling.

The morning lecture was given by Sandra Millikin - Architectural Historian. She spoke about war memorials from a design standpoint. It was very interesting. The afternoon lecture by Barry Dryer from NZ was on Polynesian navigation and use of DNA to determine where the Polynesian ancestors came from. It was Taiwan and not South America as Thor Hyderdahl theorized in the 1940's! This was followed by a brief history of Hawaii by our Hawaiian maiden Heidi.

I then helped a fellow passenger by showing her how to compose email in notepad on my Netbook and then copying and pasting the text to her gmail composition box so that it doesn't use much connection time.

The spearfish dinner entree was really really good and we thought the marlin entree the night before was quite good as well.

The main stage entertainment was an accordionist, Annie Gong, who was quite good. The day was wrapped up by watching Seven Days Six Nights with Harrison Ford which was about a light plane crash in the South Seas.

While the destination is important, savor the journey.

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