Monday, November 14, 2016

Day 48 - Downunder 2016 - Sun - 11/13/16 - At Sea - Was to be Kangaroo Island

Around 7:45am this morning, the Captain's unmistakable voice came over the PA system with the announcement that due to the high winds we would not be tendering at Kangaroo Island. It would be the second island stop on this cruise that we missed with the first being Mystery Island on the trans-Pacific segment. Instead the ship was put into slow mode and we sailed ever so slowly up the St. Vincent Gulf back towards Adelaide.

At 12:15 he gave a further update with continuing winds and word that we would be executing a 180° turn and we would sail back towards Kangaroo Island. Even with the winds we are experiencing, we are sailing in the lee of (protected side) of the island.

With the change in plans, the daily schedule was revised. Kelly, our location guide, gave a picture filled and enthusiastic presentation on Australian wildlife. Then Phil Creaser gave one of the most interesting talks we've been in. It seems he lost his voice and did the entire talk in mime and slides. It was brilliant and well liked by all.

I ended up playing trivia with Dennis and Dayle and another couple and we won it which led to free drinks from Jeremy, the Cruise Director.

In the afternoon Dr. Wright presented on the topic of the 12 Great Controversies in Astronomy. We followed that by reading and watching the waves and scenery from the Crow's Nest. There was certainly motion in the ocean! The interdenominational Sunday service at 5pm was very well attended, and afterwards our dinner in the Rotterdam Dining Room was nice with another couple from Texas.  

The evening's entertainment was a singer, Patrick McMahon, who performed earlier in the cruise. Once again it became necessary to be in the Showroom at Sea 45 minutes early to get a good seat. He was energetic and performed a wide range of Neil Diamond, John Denver, and the like. The theatre was packed at the 8pm show and well attended at the 10pm show. In between we watched 'London has Fallen' a spy - terrorist film. Lots of blood and guts!

The ship was definitely moving around after we passed through the channel separating the mainland and Kangaroo Island. We'll see how sleeping goes tonight! As we walked back to the room, we walked by the information screen and noted a wind speed of 47mph! The outside decks were also closed 'due to inclement weather'.

While the destination is important, remember to savor the journey.

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