Saturday, November 5, 2016

Day 40 - Downunder 2016 - Sat - 11/05/16 - At Sea - Indian Ocean 3

At the captain's toast he always uses the expression, 'May you have fair winds and following seas'. Today was anything but that. The temperature has dropped 20° fahrenheit, and we had a rolling oncoming sea of around 12 feet that caused the ship to pitch or porpoise all day long as we walked the deck. It's quite something to walk uphill on one side of the ship and walk downhill on the other side. Fortunately the stabilizers were working and we didn't have much rolling action. Over three different walks we got our 10,500 steps or nearly 5 miles walking in.

Alan's morning lecture on Pluto was one of the best he's given, and Philip gave the last of his lectures on possible World Heritage Sites. We had dinner in the Rotterdam dining room with Larry and Pat from Arkansas along with Peter and Gloria from the Sunshine Coast, just south of Brisbane. Peter and I really hit it off talking cars and motorcycles.  

The evening's entertainment was a Celtic singer, Kaitlyn Carr from Scotland. She had the cutest brogue accent and sang and played several types of flutes. She's also the wife of the British comedienne. She was so good we bought her CD and came back for her 10pm concert.

Tomorrow is our first port back in Australia at Geraldton. It was converted from being a tender port to a docking port due to the projected sea swells in the harbor.

While the destination is important, don't forget to savor the journey.

Tim Bowman
Sent from the Road Somewhere

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